Tony Melvin 0176-620 243-54
Romania - Images from the regions of Moldoviţa and Maramureş
My encounters with the people in Romania are characterized by a deep and intimate connection that they have to their natural surroundings.
2013 Maramureş - I discovered the landscape and its people in this region and I was immediately fascinated. The connection that these people have to their surroundings was for me insatiable. The people and the landscape - I had to absolutely photograph both.
From the region of Moldoviţa, these images derived from a trip in the late winter of 2014. Here I was in contact with some shepherds, who still live traditionally. I also accompanied foresters/lumberjacks here in the north of Romania.
In October of 2014, I returned to Maramureș. Once again, I wanted to explore this Romanian countryside. The day of the dead celebrations and landscape photography were my themes.